ACC Appeals Process

Did you receive an ACC violation notice or was an MRF you submitted denied? An appeal may be an option for you. Read further to learn more about your options and use the buttons to file the appropriate request below. 


Appealing an ACC Violation

All of this information is present in the Covenants Conditions & Restrictions under section 5.4, Operations of the ACC, section (b activities), subsection ii.

1.  A homeowner may appeal any violation to the President of the HOA and request a hearing up to ten (10) calendar days after they have received their third violation warning.

2. The third warning is a certified letter that will be mailed via the USPS and will accurately describe the violation and inform
the homeowner that a fine is pending. After the ten day period if no appeal has been filed then the homeowner has waived all rights to an appeal.

3. Hearing: If a hearing is requested, it shall be held before the Board in executive session, and the alleged violator shall be given a reasonable opportunity to be heard. The minutes of the meeting shall contain a written statement of the results of the hearing.

MRF Request for Reconsideration

If a submitted MRF gets denied the homeowner may submit a Request for Reconsideration to the ACC. In the request the homeowner must outline why they believe the MRF meets the guidelines of the Design Standards and should be approved. The ACC shall take the request into consideration and all decisions will be final.